Come see the 300’ Folsom Trail Mural Project!
Authored by Brian Tonetti
The Roots Art Kollective has completed the nearly 300’ Folsom Trail Mural Project. Their mural acknowledges City Creek, beautifies the Folsom Trail corridor, and represents the Euclid/Poplar Grove neighborhood.
The Folsom Trail Mural Project supported a local west-side team of artists, the Roots Art Kollective, to create the nearly 300-foot-long piece at 25 S 1000 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84104, overlooking the Folsom Trail. The Roots Art Kollective is composed of three Mexican-American artists: Miguel Galaz, Alan Ochoa, and Luis Novoa. Their mission is to expand public art to create vibrant environments that allow people to learn about the cultures that enrich our communities. The artists began painting murals on Salt Lake City’s west-side in 2015 and formed Roots Art Kollective in 2019.
Words about the piece from the artist team:
“We used hands holding/picking up water as a symbol of respect and appreciation for its ability to create life. This symbol can be interpreted as giving or receiving life. The design includes intricate patterns of blues (flow) and circles (clouds) to express the impact of water and its never-ending movement. The blue and orange flower of life emphasizes our interconnectedness and symbiotic relationship with water. At the right end of the wall, the FOLSOM TRAIL branding is made out of native Utah flowers and water to symbolize the ever-changing growth we go through in life.”
The mural creates immediate activation and beautification as efforts achieve the larger vision, including landscaping, trail-side amenities, and City Creek daylighting, in the next five to ten years. Additionally, it is expected this mural will stimulate further art and placemaking projects through the corridor in the near-term.
The Folsom Trail Mural Project complimented larger engagement efforts on the City Creek at Folsom Trail Daylighting Design Plan by highlighting efforts, generating excitement, and building support—and will continue to do so into the future. Additionally, the Roots Art Kollective was compensated in the beautification of the community to generate neighborhood pride. In the design feedback stage of engagement, community members frequently highlighted the mural as an element that excited them and further art and placemaking in the corridor as an element they would like to see more of.
Join us for a celebration on Saturday, October 21st to highlight the City Creek at Folsom Trail Daylighting Design Plan and unveil the Folsom Trail Mural Project. It will start with a media event with remarks from Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall, Councilmember Alejandro Puy, and Seven Canyons Trust. This will be followed up by an unveiling of the mural with remarks by the artist team. Afterward, an open house with free food, music, yard games, and more will highlight the final City Creek at Folsom Trail designs.
The Folsom Trail Mural Project is funded by Seven Canyons Trust, Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency, Crocker Catalyst Foundation, River District Business Alliance, Salt Lake City Arts Council, Align Complete Real Estate Services, and Poplar Grove Community Council.